Shared Housing
Shared housing is any situation in which an agreement formalizes the co-residence of two or more family units within the same housing unit. Shared housing is not envisioned as a replacement for existing homeless assistance tools; rather, an expansion of shared housing, coupled with maintained or increased resources for short-, medium-, and long-term rental assistance and case management, would allow providers to stabilize more homeless households. Shared housing should not be confused with “doubled up” or “couch surfing”; shared housing is permanent housing with a lease. Shared housing can be used as a diversion method.
Examples of shared housing include: having roommates, living with your mother, college dorms, seniors living together, live-in care assistants, transition age youth, nannies, etc.
- Shared Housing as a Solution for Single Adults Webinar (2016 National Alliance to End Homelessness including Connecticut’s Cathy Zall, New London Homeless Hospitality Center)
- Ready to Roommate: Presentation, Handouts, The McCarthy Shared Housing Model Handout (2015 David E. McCarthy)
- Shared Housing – Alternative Housing Review Presentation (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – SAMHSA)
- Shared Housing Tips & Strategies for Youth (2019 John Lawlor, The Connection)
- Why Shared Housing? (2019 Christine Santana, Columbus House, Inc.)
- Creating a Shared Home: Promising Approaches for Using Shared Housing to Prevent and End Homelessness in Massachusetts (2014 Harvard Kennedy School, Amanda L. Benton)
- Is Shared Housing a Way to Reduce Homelessness? The Effect of Household Arrangements on Formerly Homeless People (2008 Columbia University)
- Shared Housing for Veterans (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
- Shared Housing Key Points (Adapted by CCEH from Iain De Jong’s shared housing training)
- Rapid Re-Housing for Youth – Shared Housing Overview (National Alliance to End Homelessness)
- Roommate/Shared Housing Agreement Example (Friendship Place, DC)
- Roommate Decision Tool (Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.)
- Roommate Questionnaire (Swords to Plowshares)
- Shared Housing Roommate Survey (Patrick Ferrero Columbus House)
- Rapid Re-Housing Roommate Matchup Survey (Jericho Project)
- Roommate Finder Websites
Please use your own discretion when using these resources.