Project STRIVE (Support to Reunite, Involve and Value Each Other) is a psycho-educational intervention for reunifying families and their adolescents who have run away. Developed by Dr. Norweeta Milburn, STRIVE is a evidence-based approach to family mediation developed by ETR (Education, Training and Research), a non-profit with the University of California, Los Angeles.

Project STRIVE aims to intervene in the lives of newly homeless youth and young adults to prevent them from spiraling into chronic homelessness, by successfully reunifying them with their parents or guardians.

The intervention/mediation consists of 5 one-hour sessions based on cognitive – behavioral and family systems, with the specific aims being:

  • Reunifying runaway youth

  • Improving family functioning, and

  • Improving mental health

The ultimate goal is to reduce chronic homelessness by promoting residential stability, decreasing runaway episodes, and increasing the quality of residential life.

You can view the STRIVE webinar here. If you are interested in learning more or would like to be connected with a STRIVE provider, please contact training@cceh.org.

For STRIVE providers click here to view additional resources.