Uniting Communities to End Homelessness 

2018 Annual Training Institute Request For Proposals

Thursday, May 17, 2018 || Connecticut Convention Center 

The 2018 CCEH Annual Training Institute (ATI) marks the 16th premier capacity-building event for organizations to prevent and end homelessness. Attendees will learn about key strategies in rapid rehousing, coordinated entry and exit, data utilization, and methods for including mainstream providers (such education systems, hospitals, and criminal justice systems) into regional homeless service provider networks.

As we work towards our 2020 goals of ending family and youth homelessness and look to maintain the successes already achieved in ending veteran and chronic homelessness, the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness offers guidance on national best practices and opportunities for collaboration across the state.


IMG_3610-5Homeless service providers committed to finding real solutions to end homelessness in Connecticut. Direct service and management staff of shelters making great strides in shelter diversion and rapid rehousing. Members of Coordinated Access Networks who, through collaboration and innovation, are finding new solutions to old challenges. School systems and McKinney-Vento liaisons going above and beyond to take care of their homeless and housing unstable students. State agency personnel from the CT Department of Housing, DMHAS, Judicial, Corrections and other departments – invaluable partners in reaching zero. Advocates, policy makers, funders and other stakeholders working tirelessly to make all this possible.

Conference Tracks Seeking Proposals

Building Community Partnerships
This track will focus how schools and communities can come together to create and strengthen their partnerships and work towards ending homelessness. Innovative collaborations that help us move towards helping individuals and families in a housing crisis in our communities will be the emphasis of this track.

Ending Family Homelessness
This track will focus on new strategies for rapid re-housing, client engagement and how to utilize data in our efforts to end family homelessness by 2020. Proposals focused on community strategies or new best practices in this field are encouraged.

Ending Youth Homelessness
This track will emphasize creative solutions for identifying and engaging youth and innovative ideas for programmatic solutions to help youth thrive in their environment.

Transforming Our System
This track will focus on refining our current system. In particular, proposals are being sought to help us better understand the role of Critical Time Intervention (CTI) in Rapid Re-housing, how we can improve outcomes for our criminal justice-involved population, and ways we can advance our shelter system.


Thank you for your interest in submitting a presentation for the 2018 Annual Training Institute. Unfortunately, at this point we are no longer accepting applications.

  • Applications are to be submitted online using the following link.
  • If you have any questions, please email training@cceh.org.
  • Submission deadline is February 15, 2018


  • Your proposal will be selected based on the information provided in this application.
  • Proposals will be evaluated solely on the information provided in this submission with preference given to proposals that demonstrate well-defined and clear learning outcomes.
  • Please adhere to the word counts and other guidelines.
  • Presentations should focus on best practices that can be used throughout the state. We will not accept proposals that focus only on one program.
  • All sessions are 75 minutes in length and accommodate up to 100 attendees.
  • Presenters will be notified about the conference committee’s decision after March 15, 2017.
  • If your presentation is selected, we provide complimentary ATI registration for all presenters (up to 4).
  • Each room will have a screen, laptop and projector. All other needed presentation materials must be provided by presenter(s).
